Internet Marketing Tools For Free

Internet Marketing tools for free

If you want to increase your online marketing, you must make use of Internet Marketing tools for free. If you want to make your online business successful, you should know about Google Alerts, Hootsuite Analytics, Moosend, SurveyMonkey, and other free tools. You can download these tools and start using them immediately! Remember that some of these links may earn you a commission. Read on to learn how you can use them for free!

Hootsuite Analytics

One of the free internet marketing tools is Hootsuite. This social media monitoring tool has a comprehensive set of metrics and allows you to export reports to various formats. This tool also supports integrations with third-party data tools, such as LiftMetrix and Klarity Analytics. You can set permission levels to access certain data in Hootsuite, but if you want more control, you can add your own dashboards.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts are free internet marketing tools that will give you the ability to monitor the online activity of your competitors, as well as industry and local news. They can help you create fresh content for your social media channels. If you are an author, Google Alerts can help you track the publications that mention your work. You can also set up alerts based on specific keywords to track piracy and other issues. The benefits are many.


Moosend offers an extensive range of email templates, including a campaign creation wizard. There are several types of campaigns to choose from, including repeatable html, RSS, and automated. You can even create dynamic content using their social sharing and follow buttons. Moosend allows you to save custom templates for future use. Once you’ve set up your campaign, you can easily create more by using the templates and cloning them.


SurveyMonkey is one of the Internet Marketing tool that provides free surveys that enable you to collect feedback from your customers. The service was founded by Dave Goldberg in 1999, and since then has been helping 300,000 organizations gather feedback. The tool is great for avoiding bias when it comes to decision-making. It is free and easy to use, and comes with over 30 question types. More importantly, it allows you to view the results in real-time.


If you want to get started with Internet marketing, you should consider using Upwork. You can browse thousands of digital marketing jobs, as well as browse by experience level and content area. Upwork has built-in feedback opportunities for freelancers, which can be incredibly helpful. Upwork also offers a variety of tools for digital marketing, including templates and a portfolio template. It is also possible to browse jobs while working, so you can make sure that your profile mentions the skills that potential clients are looking for.

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